Cheapest USB Jammer Mini GPS Signal Blocker
Cheapest USB Jammer Mini GPS Signal Blocker
Product Description:Just here the signal jamming device you are viewing here is the Newest USB Disk Mini GPS Jammer, which is designed to protect GPS signal and also the GPS signal tracking devices.Plug and play, usb interface,vechile use,streamlined fuselage design,fine workmanship,light weight and rich connotation,meet usb interface and android interface.Here this usb gps signal jammer can also OEM the frequency bands for you as well, if you have the need then just contact us and tell us your detailed requirements.Specifications:GPS:1500-1600mhzJamming radius: up to 10 metersPower supply : DC3.7-6VDimension : 68*20*10mmWeight: 50gFunction : Prevent tracking, Location, Protect your positionInterface: USB interface( Portable battery、Computer、Mobile phone charger、Car charger) and Android charging interface(Cell phones, all Android devices etc)Shape: U disk hiddenAccessories:USB GPS Signal Jammer x 1pcs

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