Voice assistants have traditionally struggled to understand more than just a simple request. Bixby Voice comes into its own with commands like "Find all my photos from yesterday and put them in...
Don't worry: Only you can see your emoji changes. If you don't like your new emojis, you can change them back to the default emojis by clicking Settings > Additional Services > Manage...
To view the current scan status and make sure Play Protect is enabled go to Settings > Google > Security > Google Play Protect . Here, a list of recently installed apps, current...
If there's one think we know about the iPhone 8 (or iPhone X or iPhone Edition, or whatever it'll be called) it's that the phone will be able to use AR, or augmented reality, to place digital objects...
Most people ditch trying to play a guitar after the first year, according to Fender CEO Andy Mooney. That's the inspiration behind Fender Play, a subscription-based app and teaching platform that's...
Sony killed off its consumer e-reader business a few years ago, but its Pro division has continued to carry the e-reader torch. Now it's releasing a new, second-generation version of its Digital...