Have Samsung Pay? You'll be able to use PayPal through your Samsung phone wherever Samsung Pay is accepted, PayPal announced Monday. That's almost everywhere, as Samsung Pay works with traditional...
To view the current scan status and make sure Play Protect is enabled go to Settings > Google > Security > Google Play Protect . Here, a list of recently installed apps, current...
The proposed ban covers "anything larger than a smartphone," so that leaves you with -- you guessed it -- your smartphone. You're already using it for email, social media, appointment...
The OnePlus 5 takes excellent low-light pictures, better even than the pricier Pixel at times. That's due to a combination of better processing technology from OnePlus and a slightly wider aperture...
If your Hulu or Netflix account is as near and dear to you as most of your friends, you can just imagine how hurt and violated I felt when my Hulu account was hacked recently.
LeBron James vs. Kevin Durant. Steph Curry vs. Kyrie Irving. Kevin Love vs. Draymond Green. This one's going to be fun to watch. Let's hope it goes a full seven games.
It looks like LG is readying itself to reveal its next big phone. The company sent out save-the-dates for August 31 in Berlin, with an image that outlines a sleek and glowing letter V.